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Information Sheets

VibTech 2020 Training Course leaflet
Contains details of all 5 new Courses for 2020

VT-1a 1-Day Basic Awareness Courses
VT-2a 2-Day ‘Practitioner’ Course (Limited theoretical content)
VT-2b 2-Day ‘Analyst’ Course (Limited practical content)
VT-3a 3-Day Intermediate Course
VT-4a 4-Day Advanced Course

VibTech Training Course Full Module List

VibTech Ltd has developed a whole range of training modules to encompass and supplement all areas on knowledge covered in the Energy Institute guidelines. Although suggested modules are shown for 1, 2, 3 and 4 day training courses, organisers can mix-and-match modules of interest to produce a tailored course which best satisfies their needs.

Free Pipework Vibration ‘Concern Factor’ Calculator

VibTech has produced a free Excel based ‘Concern Factor’ Calculator for assessing manual pipework vibration spectra readings. The Concern Factor is a simple scalar value which tells you if your vibration levels are above the Energy Institute ‘Concern’ or ‘Problem’ lines. A value of <1 is acceptable, A value between 1 and 5 is in the ‘Concern’ region and a value over 5 indicates ‘Problem’ levels of vibration. Vibration readings will have been taken using a portable vibration meter with FFT capability and need to be in RMS velocity units (mm/s).

Quantitative Assessment Tool (QAT) Leaflet

Contains full details of the powerful QAT Tool for Main Line LOF, SBC LOF and Thermowell LOF calculations: