piping vibration

Is your process piping protected against vibration?

Is your process piping protected against the risks of vibration induced fatigue?
Piping vibration is a common cause of failure at welds and small-bore connections (SBCs), resulting in leaks
Similar to the breaking of a paper-clip by repeated bending, the millions of small amplitude cyclic stresses caused by vibration can lead to fatigue failures at critical locations, often after several months or even years of normal operation.
In the oil & gas and chemical process industries dealing with hazardous liquids or gases, such fractures could lead to serious incidents involving major injury, fire, explosion or pollution.
Energy Institute Company member and specialist training provider, VibTech Ltd provides a range of 1-day to 4-day training courses which are guaranteed to enable you to easily reduce the risk of vibration induced fatigue failures.
In association with reliability experts AVT Reliability, 4 dates are available for 2-day open courses in 2018, as follows:

  • 12 & 13 June 2018
  • 4 & 5 September 2018
  • 4 & 5 December 2018

All training courses are held at AVT Reliability, Warrington, UK

For further details of this and other open training courses offered by AVT Reliability in 2018 visit https://www.avtreliability.com/training/pipework-vibration-compliance

For further details about other Piping Vibration courses, please send me an email at neilparkinson@vibtech.co.uk